Ofsted Reg. Childminder
Childcare in Ponsanooth
01872 865730

Outstanding Childcare
A stimulating home from home where Children are happy and contented
Feel confident they are in good hands

A list of some of my Policies & Risk Assessment documents
All Policies, Risk Assessments as well as Ofsted Report and Qualification Certificates available to view when you visit me.
Behaviour Management Policy
House Rules
Equal Opportunities Policy
Health, Hygiene, Medicines and Safety Policy
Policy for the Care of Sick Children
Urgent Medical Treatment and Emergency Procedures
Childhood Infection Information
What we would have to do in the Event of a Fluandemic
Safe Guarding Childrens Policy
Policy for Keepin children Safe
Whistleblower Policy
Policy for Supporting Children Who are Experiencing Loss or Change in their Lives
The Looked After Child Policy
Confidentiality Policy
Fire Safety Procedures and Emergency Escape Plan
Working in Partnership with Parents and with other Settings
Special Needs Policy
Environment and Organisation Policy
Complaint Procedure
Exclusion Policy
Extreme Weather/Circumstance policy
Photographic Policy and Parental Consent Forms
Food and Drink Policy
Policy for children falling asleep in the car
Allergen information for Parents
Risk assessment for higher numbers of Children
Privacy Notice
General Data Protection Regulation Policy
Retention Policy for GDPR
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment for Higher Numbers of Children
Outings Risk Assessments